Summer School Enrollment FAQ
Enrollment opens up Wednesday, February 25, 2025 @ 3:00 p.m.
Enrollment for all summer school classes is done through PowerSchool. Please see the instructions on the Enrollment page of the Summer School Website.
You use your same login ID and password as you do when you log into regular PowerSchool. You can contact your Guidance Office if you do not know your login ID/password.
If your schedule reflects Foundations of Fitness with NO time next to it – you have been scheduled for the default start time of 6:30am. If your schedule reflects 9:30am, that is your class start time.
Class length is 22 days. Classes run 2 hours and 40 minutes.
No. PE classes will take place in Session 1 and 2 and will conflict with the health Class in Session 2. To take the PE/Health class, you will need to enroll in the 22 day Health class.
No. Most core subjects are for credit recovery. It is important to read the course description for enrollment requirements.
Yes, there are a few. It is important to read the course descriptions to determine what those classes are. It is also important to verify any grade requirements. For instance, Personal Finance and American Government classes can only be taken by students who have completed their sophomore year.
After your requests have been submitted, they are processed either by enrolling the student in the class or placing them on the wait list. Then the requests are deleted.
On Monday, May 1st, after 3:00 p.m., parents and students will be able to login to the Parent/Student PowerSchool Portal and click on the Summer School Schedule icon. It will show which course the student is enrolled in. If your student doesn’t have a schedule, then they have been placed on a wait list.
1-7(A) | 7:00 – 9:20 Class |
9-17(A) | 9:30 – 11:50 Class |
2-17 (A) | 7:30 – 12:00 Class |
ONL(A) | Online Class |
The teachers listed are not necessarily the teachers teaching that course. Teachers and classrooms will be added later.
If you do not see a course listed that you have registered for, it is because the class you registered for did not make or the class is currently showing full and your name has been added to a waiting list. Please check the website for classes that did not make or have a waiting list.
General Summer School FAQ
(Note: this is a different website than what is used during the regular school year.) Summer School grades will not show on the Parent/Student PowerSchool Portal.
Parents are responsible for summer school transportation. Students will be allowed in the building 5 minutes before the start of their class. All students must be picked up by 12:45 p.m.
There is no enrollment fee for R-7 School District students, but some courses do have a mandatory fee for materials.
Contact Cherie Rushton at or 816-986-4009 to drop an in-seat class.
To drop an online class, please contact Liz Riley at or 816-986-1005.
If a student voluntarily drops a class, is dropped due to lack of attendance, or is removed by summer school administration after the 4th day of the Summer School Session the student will receive an “F” on their transcript and the grade will be included in the student’s GPA calculation. This will be the same for both in-seat and on-line summer school classes.
Students who take either in-seat or on-line summer school classes will not be allowed to take a final prior to the last day of the session unless they can provide documentation for the following exempt absences:
Death in the family
Mandatory court date
College visits
Religious observance
Documented Doctor’s appointment
Medically documented illness
Documented Dental/Ortho. apt.
Verified school counseling/office appointment
School-related activities in which the student is a participant
History of chronic health problems, provided that proper documentation is filed with the Attendance Office or in Health Room
The following are examples of those absences that will not be considered for an early final request:
Family vacations
Going “out of town”
Missing the bus
No ride to school
Needed at home
Personal business
Car trouble
Activity camps
Other absences excused by parents