Welcome to Summer School 2023
Enrollment will begin on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 and be done online through a special Summer School PowerSchool login.
Please check back for enrollment window dates and instructions. Please note that all requests made during the enrollment window will be given equal consideration, they are not dependent on the date/time of the request.
Window 1: Enrollment will begin at 3:00 PM on February 22, 2023. The first enrollment window will be open until March 24th. Enrollment will be closed on March 24th until April 3rd.
Window 2: The enrollment portal will reopen on April 3rd. The second enrollment window will be open from April 3rd, 2023 – May 19th. The enrollment window will close at 3pm on May 19th.
On Wednesday, May 3rd, after 3:00 p.m., parents and students will be able to login to the Parent/Student PowerSchool Portal and click on the Summer School Schedule icon. It will show which course the student is enrolled in. If your student doesn’t have a schedule, then they have been placed on a wait list.
Visit the Enrollment Page.
Summer School Attendance Policy
All absences, whether excused or not excused by a parent, count against the state’s required hours for summer school credit. Students missing 18 hours or more per session will be dropped and receive no credit.
Class Drop Policy
If a student voluntarily drops a class, is dropped due to lack of attendance, or is removed by summer school administration after the 4th day of the Summer School Session the student will receive an “F” on their transcript and the grade will be included in the student’s GPA calculation. This will be the same for both in-seat and on-line summer school classes.
Early Finals Policy
Failure to take a final exam is a 10% grade reduction.
Students who take either in-seat or on-line summer school classes will not be allowed to take a final prior to the last day of the session unless they can provide documentation for the following exempt absences:
Death in the family
Mandatory court date
College visits
Religious observance
Documented Doctor’s appointment
Medically documented illness
Documented Dental/Ortho. apt.
Verified school counseling/office appointment
School-related activities in which the student is a participant
History of chronic health problems, provided that proper documentation is filed with the Attendance Office or in Health Room
The following are examples of those absences that will not be considered for an early final request:
Family vacations
Going “out of town”
Missing the bus
No ride to school
Needed at home
Personal business
Car trouble
Activity camps
Other absences excused by parents